Egg flies are often used for Steelhead or other anadromous species. But also in Europe, they can be used to catch Barbels, Chubs, Trouts, Carps... if nothing else works, glo bugs are always worth a try.
To hone these patterns, Hareline has come up with the Egg Veil. It consists of very fine synthetic fibers that can be tied around your finished egg. Don't use too much, just a little bit so that you can still see clearly whats underneath. And you don't have to cover everything; A part of the egg is just fine and if you want, let some loose strands hand around without cutting them. Under water it will create a realistic translucent egg veil, which occurs very slimy and moves around in the current.
Colour: milky white
Hareline started in 1981 in a private kitchen and has grown over time into a large company with nearly 1,700 square meters of production space. Based in Oregon, USA, the company now produces and distributes thousands of products that fly tyers around the world appreciate. Dubbing, in particular, has earned a place in many tying desks, but the remaining materials and accessories also impress with quality and a fair price.