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Dubbing Dispenser Wapsi Enhancer Dubbing Additive
Dubbing dispensers eliminate the need to browse your entire tying bench for that one specific bag of dubbing and make dubbing handling a breeze – no more dubbing flying across the whole work space. Instead you have the full range of colors to choose from right in front of you. Also in the price department dispensers offer better value for money compared to singular portions. In case you run out of your favorite color you can simply re-purchase that specific color and refill the dispenser.
Enhancer - The Dubbing Additive by Wapsi. Great fibers in strong colors that can be mixed with different natural dubbings. By doing so you create your own blend!
12 Colors:
White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Fluo Pink, Purple, Black, Brown, Ginger, Olive, Green, Fluo Chartreuse
About Wapsi:
Wapsi, founded in 1945 on the banks of the Wapsipinicon River in Iowa by Lacy Gee, is one of the oldest companies for fly tying materials. Originally specialising in the production of artificial flies, within three decades the family business developed into one of the largest manufacturer and wholesaler of tying materials in the United States. Today, Wapsi offers an impressive variety of products for fly tiers worldwide. The range includes a wide selection of feathers, furs, dubbings, rubber legs, wires and much more. The company's clever solutions for storing tying tools and its extensive range of accessories are outstanding. Despite the high quality, Wapsi remains true to its roots and offers all products at extremely fair prices.