Deal valid until 23.02.2025 and while stocks last. Also valid for on-sale items. The (extra) discount will be displayed in your Basket.
*1The Partridge CS120P Predator Wide Gap is a very reliable streamer hook made of sturdy material and with a relatively short shank. It has outstanding hooking properties thanks to its large hook arc and extremely sharp point with a slight offset. At the same time it can be used for numerous patterns due to its universal shape - no matter if crabs, shrimps or minnows. Thus, this very robust hook will not only provide a lot of joy on your tying table, but also on the flats!
- Very reliable saltwater hook
- With large hook bend for fishing for bonefish, triggers, permit and co. as well as freshwater predators of all kinds!
- 2X shorter shank
- Versatile thanks to its universal shape
- With very sharp point
- Straight eye
- Content: 10 hooks per package
The English manufacturer Partridge of Redditch is known for extremely reliable high-quality hooks and accessories. In fact, this very impressive company history already began in 1836. In all of these years, one thing still hasn’t changed: These hooks constantly set new standards, and therefore they will easily please the most demanding fly fishermen and fly tyers. In addition to countless modern models, this impressive selection also includes many classic hook shapes. Summarized, these trustworthy hooks are always a great choice – because you simply should not lose the fish of a lifetime due to a weak hook!