RepYourWater is best known for its eye-catching and elaborate designs on its products, which are still designed by hand by RepYourWater itself. These designs combined with the high quality of each individual product makes RepYourWater a first-class brand for us fly fishermen.
Even the handmade RepYourWater Trout Streamers mug has one of these ingenious designs and there is probably no more suitable mug for a morning coffee than one of these timeless and exclusive mugs from RepYourWater. The mugs are handmade in Poland and there may be small differences between the mugs. The design of the mug is a trout design with a streamer look, simply ingenious! The enamel mugs may become slightly discolored by the drinks during use, this is normal and of course does not affect the function. The mugs are not suitable for microwaves, but 100% suitable for your outdoor adventures or morning coffee in the office.
- Handmade enamel tableware from Poland
- Cool trout design
- High quality mug for anglers
- Suitable for induction stove, gas and electric stove, oven, campfire, dishwasher, fridge and freezer
- Do not use abrasive soaps for cleaning
- Not suitable for the microwave
- Color: Trout Streamers
RepYourWater is a design-oriented apparel brand that has been offering high-quality clothing and accessories for anglers, hunters, and all other outdoor enthusiasts since 2011. At the same time, RepYourWater is dedicated to exploring and, most importantly, preserving the resources that inspire anglers and those we utilize in our passion. With every purchase of a RepYourWater product, conservation and conservation-oriented projects are supported.