Um deinem Nomad Handkescher noch mehr Schutz und Haltbarkeit zu verpassen: Die Nomad End Cap ist eine gummierte Abschlusshülse, die du einfach über das Ende des Netzgriffes ziehts und voilá: Dein Nomad Netz ist vor Schrammen und Stößen bestens gesichert.
- Keschergriff-Schutzkappe aus vulkanisiertem Gummi
- Genoppter Abschluss für noch mehr Haltbarkeit
- Passend für alle Kescher-Modelle der Nomad Serie
Established more than 20 years ago, the American manufacturer Fishpond is known for high-quality backpacks, packs and accessories. In fact, all of these products have one thing in common: They combine a practice-oriented design, an outstanding quality and a stylish appearance – exactly what demanding fly fishermen need. Furthermore, Fishpond places great emphasis on sustainability, which leads to eco-friendly production methods and an inspiring company philosophy. Thus, most products are made almost exclusively from recycled materials. In order to meet the high demands of durable fly fishing gear, Fishpond has developed three innovative materials: the so-called Cyclepond, EcoNyl and NewStream. They are made from 100% recycled materials – for example, from old fishing nets or plastic bottles. According to the motto “functionality meets sustainability”, all Fishpond products set completely new standards in many different ways!