RepYourWater is best known for its eye-catching and elaborate designs on its products, which are still designed by hand by RepYourWater itself. These designs combined with the high quality of each product makes RepYourWater a premium brand for us fly fishers.
The RepYourWater Three Snacks Merino Blend Sun Hoody is an ingenious long-sleeved shirt for hot days. The shirt not only offers good sun protection thanks to the hood and long sleeves, but also UPF 30+ sun protection. This combination allows you to spend sunny days on or near the water without burning. The shirt is made from 20 % finest merino wool and 80 % polyester and is extremely comfortable to wear. The more than ingenious design on the back is equally impressive. The graphic was designed by RepYourWaters and printed onto the shirt in high quality. The print changes from an ingeniously drawn salmonid to individual fly patterns that create a fishy look - simply cool!
- High-quality long-sleeved shirt with fish design from RepYourWater
- Large fish print on the back
- UPF30+ sun protection
- Additional sun protection thanks to long sleeves and large hood
- Very comfortable and easy to wear
- Color: Three Snacks Grey
RepYourWater is a design-oriented apparel brand that has been offering high-quality clothing and accessories for anglers, hunters, and all other outdoor enthusiasts since 2011. At the same time, RepYourWater is dedicated to exploring and, most importantly, preserving the resources that inspire anglers and those we utilize in our passion. With every purchase of a RepYourWater product, conservation and conservation-oriented projects are supported.