RepYourWater is best known for its eye-catching and elaborate designs on its products, which are still designed by hand by RepYourWater itself. These designs combined with the high quality of each individual product makes RepYourWater a premium brand for us fly fishers.
The RepYourWater Feather Fly Low Pro cap is a high quality cap that also has an ingenious design on the front of the cap. The front of the cap consists of a high-quality cotton body in a low-pro shape, which is extremely robust. The back, on the other hand, is a polyester mesh, which ensures sufficient air circulation on the head. The crown of the cap has a slightly flatter profile and the peak is slightly pre-curved. This means that the cap offers an ideal fit for everyone and good sun protection at the same time. The cap can also be adjusted at the back with a snapback for an individual fit. The Low Pro with the low profile of the crown is also the smallest cap from RepYourwater in terms of fit and also fits very narrow heads.
- High-quality RepYourWater caps with a stylish design
- High-quality, embroidered design on the front
- Flat profile of the crown
- Slightly pre-curved peak
- Snapback at the back for adjustment
- Mesh back for air circulation
- Smallest fit
- Color: Feather Fly
RepYourWater is a design-oriented apparel brand that has been offering high-quality clothing and accessories for anglers, hunters, and all other outdoor enthusiasts since 2011. At the same time, RepYourWater is dedicated to exploring and, most importantly, preserving the resources that inspire anglers and those we utilize in our passion. With every purchase of a RepYourWater product, conservation and conservation-oriented projects are supported.