Fast and gentle with a net!

Landen im Netz


“If only I had a net with me!“ - You probably ran through that situation more than once if you don't carry a net. But let's face it: a good sized fish pays off well for carrying a net for a few hours?!

If you use it properly it is both even more gentle to the fish and less stress for yourself. Especially if you are a beginner it is much more relaxed. Meanwhile there are very good rubber catch and release nets which where specially designed not to harm the layer of slime sustainable.


Benefits of using a net:

  • Fish can be landed faster (gentle to the fish and you can release it faster)
  • Extended length when landing (important for boat fishing or at higher banks)
  • More comfortable to unhook and measure the fish
  • Keeping the fish safe and gentle under water until you take a quick snap shot

For more information about using net please visit Expert Advice: Do I need a net?